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Discover your true style with cabi

July 30, 2015

From 12 founding women to thousands of cabi Stylists today, it’s official: our women have changed the retail game. We’ve come together for a common purpose: developing a culture centered on women helping women—serving rather than selling, collaborating rather than competing, and transforming not transacting.

Our trained cabi Stylists transform that looming question of “What do I wear?” into an occasion to enter one’s closet with a sense of boldness, confidence, and even fun.

Our customers build functional wardrobes that are so completely “them,” while at the same time, supporting a woman as she builds a substantial career that lets her call her own shots.

Besides helping women find their true style, every time a new cabi Stylist starts her business, she is also supporting women in developing countries through our W.E. are cabi Program (add link to HOCF page). This is the first one-for-one microlending program in partnership with Opportunity International.

From humble beginnings with a dozen visionaries, to additional leadership joining the team to serve a vast network of inspired and empowered women, cabi’s story is a story of connection. Together is how we can help one another, whether that’s instilling a sense of exhilaration into the art of getting dressed, or giving a woman the tools and confidence to start her own business. Our true style—whether in fashion or in life—is discovered when we’re connected.

Click here to read more about the cabi story. Does cabi sound like something you want to be a part of? Learn more about the cabi Fashion Experience and our career Opportunity.