During these most uncertain of times, all we can do is take care of ourselves and our loved ones while ensuring that our actions are helping the community. We prefer to look at the bright side of this situation because, well, trust us: a positive mindset can do wonders for your spirit.
Self-care has never been more important, and we can use this time to get creative. We are so incredibly lucky to live in a day and age where technology can help us get through this. We are more connected now than we ever have been, and we can use all those resources (we’re looking at you FaceTime, Zoom, and Instagram Live!) to make sure we stay connected to our friends and family in what could otherwise feel like an isolating time. We put together a list of self-care tips to help you make the most of staying home. From working out, to DIY art projects, these easy at-home activities are designed to support your physical and mental well-being. Keep reading to learn more, then try them out for yourselves!
Try an Online Workout Class
It is so inspiring to see how the fitness community has come together to offer virtual resources and help everyone stay fit while at home. This is also a great way to continue supporting your favorite instructors during these trying times. We recommend the Nike Training App which offers an array of classes ranging in length, difficulty, and style. Yogaworks offers some great workouts for around the house, especially if you’re in tighter quarters— you only need room for your mat! You can also try a barre or mat class from Tone It Up (Pro tip: If you don’t have any dumbells, bean cans make great weights for toning!)

Take a Long, Relaxing Bath
If you’re feeling extra adventurous, you can try making your own bath bomb. If this is too much of a project for you, you can always add a few drops of your favorite essential oils or some epsom salt to boost your bath. While you’re at it, might as well do a face mask! Did you know that many of the items you’ve got stocked in your kitchen can be used to make your own? We’re talking lemon, turmeric, honey, yogurt… the list goes on. Make sure to get some candles going and your favorite tunes to set the mood. Lastly, don’t forget to hydrate!
Read a Book!
Or better yet, start a virtual book club with your friends! This is a great way to stay connected with your loved ones, inspire great conversations, and expand your knowledge! Check out the Barnes and Noble Literary Fiction List, or the New York Times Best Sellers. If non-fiction is more your style, pick a book in an area of interest, then call a friend and tell them everything you learned! (This is a great way to retain information!) Try changing up the times of day at which you read. A mini lunchtime reading session can help recenter you and refresh your mind before getting back to work. We also recommend reading at night to limit screen time and help you fall asleep.

Listen to Some Relaxing Music
We like to start our mornings with a bit more of an upbeat vibe for motivation. Then, if you’re working from home, try putting on an instrumental playlist. This will help with focus and productivity. Some light jazz is great for cooking or cleaning around the house. (Oh yeah, and this playlist is perfect for that bath we mentioned.) If you’re someone who’s always been intrigued by meditation, but never tried it, now is the perfect time to dive in! There are plenty of guided meditation resources out there to help you get started. If you can’t go outside, might as well go inward!
Do Some Artwork
If you’ve got supplies around, try doing a watercolor of a still life, using objects in your home. Have a video chat paint and sip with a friend over video chat. If you only have a piece of paper and a pen, that’s great too! Learn how to do a line drawing and try doing a blind self portrait using a mirror. Putting art up in your home is a great way to add life and color to your walls. Whatever you create, just don’t forget to sign at the bottom 🙂

Play Games or Do Puzzles
When it comes to games, there’s nothing better than a puzzle when you’ve got a lot of time on your hands. We especially love puzzles because they are an investment; you can keep returning to it over many days. This is also a great family game if you have kids. Set a game night with your family so everyone has something to look forward to at the end of a week, or try a round of solitaire on your own.
Stay Cozy
Last but certainly not least, wear your favorite, coziest outfit! If there was ever a time to whip out all your stretchy, soft, relaxed fitting pieces, this is it. Here are a few pieces we recommend to help lean into that #WHF vibe:
And hey, if dressing up is something that brings you joy and gets you ready for your day, by all means, continue to do that as part of your morning routine! If you’ve got a video conference, try some fun earrings. If you’ve got an adventurous dress you’ve been meaning to wear but haven’t quite mustered up the courage to take out on the town, now’s your chance! Let your closet be a source of inspiration and happiness during this time.
What are you doing to stay physically and mentally healthy during this time? Leave your thoughts in the comments section below using the hashtag #selfcare so we can help each other get through this. We can always use more ideas of how to fill our time wisely!