We’ve all experienced it. You walk out of a store with nothing, or at best, with something you’re not completely sure of. Rather than the excitement of having just found a treasure, uncertainty lingers. “Did I just spend too much?” “Will it work with the items in my closet?” or “Was that a total waste of time?” Shopping used to be fun. It was a chance to discover something new, to be taken care of, to feel beautiful, but shopping hasn’t felt like this in a very long time.
What a small group of women realized 17 years ago was that discovering something new required creating something new: a new way for their friends to shop that’s both joyful and connected. By bringing a styling experience to the guest, cabi Stylists have changed shopping from something transactional to an interaction that’s highly personal. Turning the act of shopping into a journey of self-discovery and self-assurance shared with friends both new and old.
When you work with a cabi Stylist, when you build a relationship with somebody you can trust, what you get in return is a wardrobe that’s curated exactly for you and allows you to discover and express your own personal style. Our Stylists are here to help you discover your style for the very first time or embrace new styles you might not have considered.

Beyond changing the way women shop, cabi has changed the way women work. Many Stylists choose cabi because it gives them the flexibility to bring in additional income in a way that suits their schedules, flexibly working around family and other priorities.
Our Stylists find a sense of community and friendship through cabi that adds to the meaning of their lives. Every woman involved in the cabi Fashion Experience, from the clients to the Hostesses to the Stylists themselves, are part of something much bigger than any one individual. It is this understanding and a cabi Stylists’ love to serve that has Hostesses and clients returning to Fashion Experiences season after season.

Thinking back to that disappointing car ride home from the mall, it bears little resemblance to the shopping experience cabi has created. Instead of leaving second-guessing and frustrated, women leave a cabi Fashion Experience filled up. The Stylist departs with a special type of satisfaction—knowing that by changing the way women look and feel about themselves, she’s a part of changing an industry. At cabi, we know the value of styling women in beautiful clothes is the value women see in themselves while wearing them.
If you’re interested in learning more about becoming a cabi Stylist, we would love to connect you with one of our Stylists so you can hear more about this incredible career.